access error: ".$ref." - ".$_COOKIE['atsuploads'].""; exit; } } if($xmbuser != "SkepticOverlord"){ echo "podcast uploads are disabled."; exit; } // require_once "/home/abovetopsecret/aboveboard/config.php"; $dbhost = ""; $dbuser = "atspodcast"; $dbpassword = "POD3edc"; $dbname = "ats_db"; $link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); require_once "/home/abovetopsecret/public_html/forum/ats_xmb_functions.php"; require_once "/home/abovetopsecret/public_html/forum/xmb.php"; header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); if($reply){ $formtitle = "Reply to a PODcast with a PODcast."; $replyquery = mysql_query("select * from podcast where podid = '$reply'"); $replypod = mysql_fetch_array($replyquery); $replythread = $replypod['tid']; $podthread = $replypod['podthread']; $firstpod = mysql_query("select * from podcast where podid = '$podthread'"); $first = mysql_fetch_array($firstpod); $num = mysql_query("select * from podcast where podthread = '$podthread' and status='live'"); $number = mysql_numrows($num); $replytitle = stripslashes($first['title'])." (reply ".$number.")"; $replyfeed = $replypod['feed']; $replychannel = $replypod['podchannel']; }else{ $formtitle = "Create a new PODcast."; $podthread = 0; $replythread = 0; } // echo time(); $memq = mysql_query("select * from xmb_members where username = '$xmbuser'"); $memr = mysql_fetch_array($memq); // $thefeed = "ats"; if($memr['postnum'] > 200){ $approval = "live"; $apMsg = "You have more than 200 posts and your PODcast submission has been immediately added to the ATS stream."; $postMsg = "Your submission will be automatically added to the RSS feed."; } else { $approval = "hold"; $apMsg = "You have less than 200 posts, your PODcast submission is pending staff approval before it is added to our stream."; $postMsg = "Your submission requires approval before it is added to the RSS feed."; } $directory = ""; $sizecheck = 1; $staffupload == "no"; if(!$xmbuser) { exit; } /* echo $_POST[fileupload]."-
"; echo $_POST[upload]."-
"; $thefile = $_FILES[userfile]; echo $thefile[name]."-
"; print_r($_POST); print_r($_FILES); */ $htmltop=" ATS PODcast Creator
"; $htmlbottom="
"; $uploadform1 = " "; $formfooter = ""; if($fileupload && ($podtitle == "" || $poddescription == "" || $podmin == "" || $podsec == "" || $podfile == "")){ unset($fileupload); /* $uploadform_upload = ""; */ }else{ if($reply){ $uploadform_upload = ""; }else{ $uploadform_upload = ""; } $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload.""; } if($fileupload){ $thefile = $_FILES[podfile]; $filename = basename($thefile[name]); $userfile_size = $thefile[size]; $userfile_type = $thefile[type]; $tempfile = $thefile[tmp_name]; $filename = str_replace(".php", ".html", $filename); $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $filename); $filename = str_replace("'", "", $filename); $filename = str_replace("\"", "", $filename); $filename = str_replace("/", "", $filename); $filename = str_replace("&", "-", $filename); $querynum1 = mysql_query("SELECT podid FROM podcast order by podid DESC limit 0,1"); $filenum = mysql_result($querynum1,0)+1; // if($profanity == "yes" && $podfeed == "ats"){ $podfeed = "bts"; } if($podfeed == "special"){ $filename = "sp_".$filenum.".mp3"; } else { $filename = $podfeed."pod_".$filenum.".mp3"; } // echo "----> ".$thefile."|".basename($thefile[name])." ".$userfile_size = $thefile[size]." ".$thefile[type]." ".$podsec; if ($userfile_size > 25165824){ $uploadform = $uploadform1.""; } if ($userfile_type == "audio/mpeg" || $userfile_type == "audio/mp3" || $userfile_type == "audio/x-mpeg"){ if($podfeed == "atsmix"){ $fullpath = "/home/abovetopsecret/atsmix/podcasts/".$filename; }else{ $fullpath = "/home/abovetopsecret/podcast/".$filename; } copy($tempfile, "$fullpath"); // if(!@copy($userfile, "$directory/$filename")) if(!@copy($tempfile, "$fullpath")) { $uploadform = $uploadform1.""; }else{ $uploadform = $uploadform1.""; $thedate = time(); if($podmin == ""){ $podmin = "00"; } if($podsec == ""){ $podsec = "60"; } if($podmin == "0"){ $podmin = "00"; } if($podmin == "1"){ $podmin = "01"; } if($podmin == "2"){ $podmin = "02"; } if($podmin == "3"){ $podmin = "03"; } if($podmin == "4"){ $podmin = "04"; } if($podmin == "5"){ $podmin = "05"; } if($podmin == "6"){ $podmin = "06"; } if($podmin == "7"){ $podmin = "07"; } if($podmin == "8"){ $podmin = "08"; } if($podmin == "9"){ $podmin = "09"; } if($podsec == "0"){ $podsec = "00"; } if($podsec == "1"){ $podsec = "01"; } if($podsec == "2"){ $podsec = "02"; } if($podsec == "3"){ $podsec = "03"; } if($podsec == "4"){ $podsec = "04"; } if($podsec == "5"){ $podsec = "05"; } if($podsec == "6"){ $podsec = "06"; } if($podsec == "7"){ $podsec = "07"; } if($podsec == "8"){ $podsec = "08"; } if($podsec == "9"){ $podsec = "09"; } $memfeed = strtolower($xmbuser); $memfeed = str_replace(" ", "", $memfeed); $memfeed = str_replace("_", "", $memfeed); $memfeed = str_replace(".", "", $memfeed); if($reply) { $podfeed = $replypod['feed']; $podchannel = $replypod['podchannel']; }else{ if($podfeed == "special"){ $podfeed = "special"; $thefeed = "special"; $podchannel = "special"; $pretitle = "special: "; $xmlfeed = ""; $xmbuser = "ATSMIX"; $approval = "live"; } if($podfeed == "atsmix"){ $podfeed = "atsmix"; $thefeed = "atsmix"; $podchannel = "atsmix"; $pretitle = "ATS.MIX: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "ats"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "ats"; $podchannel = "atsc"; $pretitle = "ATS.C: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "atsc"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "atsc"; $podchannel = "atsc"; $pretitle = "ATS.C: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "atsx"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "atsx"; $podchannel = "atsx"; $pretitle = "ATS.X: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "atsg"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "atsg"; $podchannel = "atsg"; $pretitle = "ATS.G: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "atsf"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "atsf"; $podchannel = "atsf"; $pretitle = "ATS.F: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "atsp"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "atsp"; $podchannel = "atsp"; $pretitle = "ATS.P: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "atss"){ $podfeed = "ats"; $thefeed = "atss"; $podchannel = "atss"; $pretitle = "ATS.S: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "btsh"){ $podfeed = "bts"; $thefeed = "btsh"; $podchannel = "humor"; $pretitle = "BTS.humor: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "btsm"){ $podfeed = "bts"; $thefeed = "btsm"; $podchannel = "music"; $pretitle = " "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "btst"){ $podfeed = "bts"; $thefeed = "btst"; $podchannel = "talk"; $pretitle = " "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "pts"){ $podfeed = "pts"; $thefeed = "pts"; $podchannel = "normal"; $pretitle = "Politics: "; $xmlfeed = ""; } if($podfeed == "getwell"){ $podfeed = "getwell"; $thefeed = "getwell"; $podchannel = "getwell"; } } $podtitle = str_replace("&", "and", $podtitle); $poddescription = str_replace("&", "and", $poddescription); if($podfeed == "special"){ $approval = "hold"; } if($podfeed == "atsmix"){ $xmbuser = "ATSMIX"; } $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO podcast VALUES('','$xmbuser','$filename','$userfile_size','$podtitle','$poddescription', '$approval',$thedate,'$podmin','$podsec','$word1','$word2','$podfeed','$profanity', $replythread,'$memfeed','0','0',$podthread,'$podchannel')"); $podid = mysql_insert_id(); if(!$reply){ $query = mysql_query("update podcast set podthread = '$podid' where podid = '$podid'"); } $subject = $pretitle.$podtitle; $posticon = ""; $fid = 119; $thatime = time(); $pollanswers = ""; if($podfeed == "atsmix"){ $fid = 155; } if($podfeed == "special"){ } else { if(!$reply){ $makethread = mysql_query("INSERT INTO xmb_threads VALUES ('', '$fid', '$subject', '$posticon', '$thatime|$xmbuser', '0', '0', '$xmbuser', '', '', '$pollanswers','0','0','0')"); $tid = mysql_insert_id(); $query = mysql_query("update podcast set tid = '$tid' where podid = '$podid'"); }else{ $tid = $replythread; mysql_query("UPDATE xmb_threads SET lastpost='$thatime|$xmbuser', replies=replies+1 WHERE tid='$tid'"); $query = mysql_query("update podcast set replies = replies+1 where podid = '$podthread'"); } } if($podfeed == "ats"){ $img = "".$podchannel."_200.jpg"; $pingurl = urlencode(""); $pingtitle = urlencode(" Member PODcasts: Conspiracy theory, Extraterrestrials, and more."); } if($podfeed == "bts"){ $img = ""; if($podchannel == "music"){ $pingurl = urlencode(""); $pingtitle = urlencode(" Member PODcasts: Music"); $img = ""; } if($podchannel == "humor"){ $pingurl = urlencode(""); $pingtitle = urlencode(" Member PODcasts: Humor"); $img = ""; } if($podchannel == "talk"){ $pingurl = urlencode(""); $pingtitle = urlencode(" Member PODcasts: Talk"); $img = ""; } } if($podfeed == "pts"){ $img = ""; $pingurl = urlencode(""); $pingtitle = urlencode(" Member PODcasts: Political Debate and Discussion."); } if($podfeed == "atsmix"){ $pingurl = urlencode(""); $pingtitle = urlencode("ATS MIX From"); $img = ""; $thefeed = "atsmix"; } $kbytes = round($userfile_size/1024); $message = "[imgl]".$img."[/img] PODcast: [headline]".$podtitle."[/headline] ".$poddescription." [pod]".$filename."[/pod] length: ".$podmin.":".$podsec." file: [url=".$filename."]".$filename."[/url] size: ".$kbytes."k feed: [url=".$thefeed.".xml]".$thefeed."[/url] status: ".$approval." (at time of posting)"; $bbcodeoff = "no"; $smileyoff = "no"; if($podfeed == "atsmix"){ $message = "[imgl]".$img."[/img] ATS MIX: [headline]".$podtitle."[/headline] ".$poddescription." [atsmix]".$filename."[/atsmix] length: ".$podmin.":".$podsec." file: [url=".$filename."]".$filename."[/url] size: ".$kbytes."k feed: [url=".$thefeed.".xml]".$thefeed."[/url]"; $bbcodeoff = "no"; $smileyoff = "no"; } $message = addslashes($message); if($podfeed == "special"){ } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO xmb_posts VALUES ('$fid', '$tid', '', '$xmbuser', '$message', '$subject', '$thatime', '$posticon', '', '', '0', '0')"); $pid = mysql_insert_id(); mysql_query("UPDATE xmb_forums SET lastpost='$thatime|$xmbuser', threads=threads+1, posts=posts+1 WHERE fid='$fid'"); $add = mysql_query("update xmb_members set atspnts = atspnts+2500 where username='$xmbuser'"); } // require('/home/abovetopsecret/public_html/podcast/weblog_pinger.php'); // $pinger = new Weblog_Pinger(); // $pinger->ping_audio_weblogs_com($podtitle,$xmlfeed); // $pinger->ping_yahoo_com($podtitle,$xmlfeed); // $podping = implode('',file("$pingtitle&url=$pingurl")); // $podping = "
"; // $fullping = "".$pingtitle."&url=".$pingurl; // $podping = ""; } }else{ $uploadform = $uploadform1.""; } }else{ $uploadform = $uploadform1; } $files = $files."
Members can upload MP3 files smaller than 24 megabytes for inclusion in our PODcast feed.

Your file will be renamed after upload, please take note of the renaming of your file.


"; if($podtitle == ""){ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Title

"; }else{ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Title

"; } if($poddescription == ""){ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Description

"; }else{ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Description

"; } $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Type

"; if($podmin == "" || $podsec == ""){ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Length
min: sec:

"; }else{ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Length
min: sec:

": } $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Keywords
1: 2:

"; if($podfile == ""){ uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."Please Select an MP3 File to Upload
"; }else{ uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload.""; } uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."
All fields are required.

"; if($reply){ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload." "; }else{ $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Title
"; } $uploadform_upload = $uploadform_upload."PODcast Description
PODcast Type
 min: sec:
 1: 2:

IMPORTANT: Click submit once, and wait for the confirmation message.
Your file size of ".$userfile_size." bytes is too large, please use a smaller file.
There was an error, your file was not uploaded, please try again.
Your file, ".$filename." at a size of ".$userfile_size." bytes has been uploaded to the PODcasts directory.
Your file, ".$filename.", of ".$userfile_type." is not supported, please try a different file.
"; echo $htmltop; echo $uploadform; echo $files; echo $uploadform_upload; echo $formfooter; echo ""; echo $podping; echo $htmlbottom; ?>